Skills training grants by TCS Board: eligibility specified [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 262s, 758d-t]  - AB75
Small Business Health Options Program Authority created as a public body corporate and politic; health benefit plan exchange established, federal grant moneys provision  - SB707
Small Business Regulatory Review Board membership and administrative rule provisions revised; small business ombudsman clearinghouse changed to Office of the Small Business Advocate, Comm.Dept duties -  AB799
Small Business Regulatory Review Board membership and administrative rule provisions revised; small business ombudsman clearinghouse changed to Office of the Small Business Advocate, duties revised and report required  - AB767
Targeted microloans pilot program for the creation of new businesses established in Comm.Dept - AB641
Targeted microloans pilot program for the creation of new businesses established in Comm.Dept [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, nonprofit finance corporation to administer]  - SB409
U.W. Board of Regents: awarding WiSys Technology Foundation, Inc. grants for the Wisconsin Small Company Advancement program; appropriations for a business plan competition program and emerging technology center at U.W. La Crosse, private contribution provision; reports required  - AB641
U.W. Board of Regents: awarding WiSys Technology Foundation, Inc. grants for the Wisconsin Small Company Advancement program; appropriations for a business plan competition program and emerging technology center at U.W. La Crosse, private contribution provision; reports required [S.Sub. Amdt.1: further revisions] -  SB409
Weather radio systems: businesses that install or sell vehicle radios required to include -  AB19
buyers clubBuyers club, see Trade practice
c - C -
cabinet form of governmentCabinet form of government, see Governor — Cabinet
calumet countyCalumet County
Circuit court branch added to Calumet County -  SB95
Fox Cities regional transit authority: creation authorized - AB734
campgroundCampground, see Recreation
cancerCancer, see Disease
canning industryCanning industry, see Farm produce
canoeCanoe, see Boat
capital gains taxCapital gains tax
Capital gains tax exclusion for long-term gains: changes made by 2009 WisAct 28 restored; JSCTE appendix report  - AB866
Capital gains tax exclusion for long-term gains reduced; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1543, 9343 (13); Enrolled AB-75: further revisions, provision re farm assets, 1543b]  - AB75
Income tax exclusion created for the amount of capital gain that is invested in certain types of Wisconsin businesses; conditions and definition provisions -  AB38
Income tax exclusion created for the amount of capital gain that is invested in certain types of Wisconsin businesses; conditions and definition provisions -  SB28
Reinvested capital gains: procedure created for certain persons to defer taxation; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 1535, 1544, 3073] -  AB75
carbon monoxide detectorCarbon monoxide detector, see Public safety
cardiocerebral resuscitation _ccr_Cardiocerebral resuscitation (CCR), see Medical service
cardiopulmonary resuscitation _cpr_Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), see Medical service
casa _court_appointed special advocate_CASA (Court-appointed special advocate), see Juvenile court
catastrophic insuranceCatastrophic insurance, see Insurance — Health
Dog damage claim re injured or killed farm animal, dog, or cat: deadline for filing revised; dog damage reimbursement fund required -  AB161
caucusCaucus, see Legislature
ccap _consolidated court automation programs_CCAP (Consolidated Court Automation Programs), see State Courts, Director of
ccr _cardiocerebral resuscitation_CCR (Cardiocerebral resuscitation), see Medical service
cell phoneCell phone, see Telephone
cellular telephoneCellular telephone, see Telephone
Funeral and burial expenses for decedents who, during life, received certain public assistance: maximum amount a county department may contribute increased  - AB832
Funeral and burial expenses for decedents who, during life, received certain public assistance: maximum amount a county department may contribute increased  - SB338
Misappropriation from cemetery of object indicating deceased was a veteran: court to require reimbursement of replacement cost -  AB376
Incarcerated, disenfranchised felons excluded from census count used for redistricting legislative, county, and other districts with statutorily elected officers: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR63
Incarcerated, disenfranchised felons excluded from census count used for redistricting legislative, county, and other districts with statutorily elected officers: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR42
certified public accountantCertified public accountant
Tax preparer: DOR to promulgate rules to prohibit a person from practicing without a license, CPA and attorney provisions; refund anticipation loan prohibited  - AB290
charitable corporationCharitable corporation, see also Organization, Miscellaneous
Forest crop law parcel transfer for certain small parcel re nonprofit archery club [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1829g-r]  - AB75
Meat of game animal lawfully killed and donated to charitable organization: individual income tax deduction for processing costs created; income and franchise tax exemption for income derived from processing fees; JSCTE appendix report  - AB714
Nonprofit fundraising event: beer and wine provided for free without municipal license [A.Sub.Amdt.1; deleted by A.Amdts.] -  AB75
Student housing: property tax exemption created; residency requirements and U.W. Madison provision [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 1515m, 1516c, 9343 (21g)] - AB75
Temporary Class ``B" or ``Class B" alcohol license issued to certain nonprofit organizations selling beer and wine at fundraising events authorized, exception to prohibition on Class ``B" license or permit for premises where another business is conducted; number of temporary ``Class B" licenses issued to eligible applicants in a 12-month period increased  - AB900
Temporary Class ``B" or ``Class B" alcohol license issued to certain nonprofit organizations selling beer and wine at fundraising events authorized, exception to prohibition on Class ``B" license or permit for premises where another business is conducted; number of temporary ``Class B" licenses issued to eligible applicants in a 12-month period increased  - SB537
Traveling sales crews: regulations extended to include certain nonprofit organizations referred to as ``501 (c) (4) organizations" and political organizations referred to as ``527 political organizations" -  AB528
Wholesale distribution of prescription drugs: exception created for donation of samples to certain charities  - AB651
Wholesale distribution of prescription drugs: exception created for donation of samples to certain charities [S.Amdt.1: ``Cancer and chronic diseases drug repository" changed to ``Drug repository"] -  SB455
charter schoolCharter school, see School
chase, town ofChase, Town of, see Wood County
chavez, cesar eChavez, Cesar E., see Labor
Employee pay deductions: penalty for employer failure to list [Enrolled AB-75: Sec. 2186f] -  AB75
Soliciting purchase of goods or services by unsolicited delivery of a document that appears to be a check or money order payable to recipient prohibited; DATCP authority and forfeiture provisions [A.Amdt.2: exception added and conditions specified] -  AB261
chemotherapyChemotherapy, see Medical service
chequamegon school districtChequamegon School District, see Price County
child abuse and neglect prevention boardChild Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board renamed the Family Policy Board, membership and duties revised; DCF provisions - AB825
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board renamed the Family Policy Board, membership and duties revised; DCF provisions - SB571
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program grants from DCF to counties and Indian tribes revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, CANPB provision removed]  - AB297
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Program grants from DCF to counties and Indian tribes revised  - SB211
child careChild care, see Day care
child laborChild labor